Why do I get a blank page in your admin tab ?

You want to display an admin tab tools but you get a blank page.

If this happens, and there is no error message, it is surely that the DEV mode is diactivated, wich is normal for a shop in production.

In this case, you'll have to activate DEV via your FTP software ex. Filezilla. For those who don't know how Filezilla works, follow the beginning of this procedure

Once you are connected to your server via FTP :

-For PS 1.5 :

Go to the directory : config/ and download the defines.inc.php file

On the following line : 

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); => change false to true

-  For PS 1.4 / 1.3 & 1.2

Go to the directory : config/ and download the defines.inc.php file

On the following lin :

@ini_set('display_errors', 'off'); => change false to true

If the following line is present :

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false); => change false to true

Once you have modified the file, download it to your server ( in the original repertory, of course )

Next, reload the Moderation Tools page and see if an error appears. You should have a fatal erro PHP.

In addition, the developers of the module made a mistake in the module because they assigned CSS or Javascript files with one of two functions, by using the backoffice hook "Admininstration panel Header"

Because of this, the hook executes the contents of every module attached to it, in other words thaht the content is loaded, even in the special case of the configuration of the module. But the two functions cited previously can only be aplied to the front-office og the shop or in a special context of the configuration, in the back-office of the module.

The only solution is to unhook the involved module from the Hook "Administration Panel Header" while you are using our module.

Finally don't forget you can contact us to have more info.

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