What if the Datalayer Checker or the Tag Assistant Companion doesn't detect any data from my Google Analytics tag?
If, when testing your Google Analytics tag, you don't see any data appear in the detection tool (Datalayer Checker or Tag Assistant Companion), there may be several reasons for this:
- First of all, you should know that this may simply be due to the installation of the AdBlock extension on your browser, or any other cookie-blocking extension. If you have indeed installed such an extension, deactivate it and retest the conversion tag. If the test works, the problem was indeed caused by a cookie blocker and your conversion tag is working correctly.
- If the error is not caused by a "cookie blocker" extension, it may be due to a JavaScript error introduced by a previous technical intervention or by another module present on your store, which is preventing the tag from being triggered. Visit our FAQ "How to detect a JavaScript error" to find out if such an error exists.
- If you've tested your Google Analytics tag by placing a test order and you don't see the "purchase" event, check that your payment method redirects to the order confirmation page. The "purchase" event will not be detected by the Google Analytics tag if the order confirmation page is not displayed. Please note that some payment methods simply require you to activate an option to display the order confirmation page.
- This may also be due to the incorrect operation of your cookie banner module: if it completely blocks the Google Analytics tag until consent is given, or if it completely blocks it if the customer clicks on "deny all", then no data, even that not subject to consent, will be able to go up in Google Analytics. The correct operation of a cookie banner in the case of Google tags is to send all consent signals to denied (refusal) as long as consent is not given, but it must not block the execution of the tag and must allow signals not subject to consent to pass through (this is what Google Consent Mode V2 says) so that you can still compile statistics (insights).
Furthermore, your cookie banner module must somehow retrieve your GA4 measurement ID so that Google Analytics can retrieve the consent information and store the tracking information in your Google Analytics account. If this is not the case, our tag will not work.
Please ask your cookie banner editor how Google Analytics tags are managed and if they can correct the problem.
If you want, our Google Ads Conversion Tracking Pro, Google Dynamic Remarketing and Google Analytics tracking modules are perfectly compatible with Presta-Module's Advanced Cookie Banner module: Google Consent Mode V2 is correctly managed between these two modules, so all you need to do is activate the consent option in our tracking module.