Sales Reports Pro
How it works
- What do the columns in the "Full" report correspond to?
- What do the columns in the "Basic" report correspond to?
- How to use the "Full" and "Basic" reports?
- What do the columns in the "Products" report correspond to?
- What do the columns in the "Categories" report correspond to?
- How to use the "Products" and "Categories" reports?
- What do the columns in the "Brands" report correspond to?
- What do the columns in the "Suppliers" report correspond to?
- How to use the "Brands" and "Suppliers" reports?
- What do the columns in the "Sales by country" report correspond to?
- How to use the "Sales by country" report?
- What do the columns in the "Customers" report correspond to?
- How to use the "Customers" report?
- What do the columns in the "Credit notes" report correspond to?
- What do the columns in the "Shipping credit notes" report correspond to?
- What do the columns in the "Product credit notes by VAT rate" report correspond to?
- What do the columns in the "Profits and margins" report correspond to?
- What do the columns in the "VAT" report correspond to?
- How to export the collected amounts by VAT rate?
- What do the columns in the "VAT on products" report correspond to?
- How to use the "VAT", "Profits and margins" and "Credit notes" reports?
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