What is the Facebook "Advanced Matching" feature?

Facebook's "Advanced Matching" feature allows you to improve the estimation of the number of conversions (purchases on your shop) that come from ads displayed on the social network and to increase the audience of your ads.

By activating the "Advanced Matching" option of the module, the pixel will securely send information about your customers (email, first name, last name) along with the different events detected. The information about your customers is hashed (i.e. encrypted) before being sent to Facebook to protect the privacy of users.

The "Advanced Matching" allows you to:

To learn more about Advanced Matching, read this Facebook documentation.


To activate the "Advanced Matching" in the module, go to the "Facebook Pixel" tab and in the sub-tab "Pixel code":



Do not forget to save.

You can check the encrypted sending of personal data throught the Facebook Pixel Helper:


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