Why shouldn't my prices change according to the user's IP address (according to geolocation)?

For Google, it is essential that the user experience is consistent. When a user sees a certain product price on a shopping ad, and clicks on it to go to the product page on the merchant's store, he must see exactly the same price as the one advertised, regardless of his IP address, i.e. regardless of his geographical area.

Indeed, if you display shopping ads using your data feed corresponding to the country France, the French language and the Euro currency ("FR/fr/Euro" feed), a user who clicks on one of these ads will arrive on the "FR/fr/Euro" version of the product and should see the same price as the one of the shopping ad, even if this user is located in Ireland for example. This is what Google agents will check. These agents, often located in Ireland, will click on the links of your products in your feed and check that the prices displayed on your site correspond to those in the data feed. However, if when displaying the products, the prices "change" on the fly, because your store detects a location in Ireland, they will not see the same prices and will refuse your items.


You must therefore ensure that the prices displayed on your site do not vary according to the user's IP address, i.e. according to his geolocation (except for special case, see at the bottom of this FAQ(*)).

To do this, go to the "International" -> "Localization" section of your PrestaShop back-office, then to the "Geolocation" sub-tab. Check that the option "Geolocation by IP address" is disabled. If it is not the case, deactivate it and save:



(*)However, if you're using a module that adjusts the tax value according to the visitor's country, based on the tax rules defined in your PrestaShop back-office, then be aware that the Pro version of the Google Merchant Center module (or the Advanced plan of the subscription-based module) offers you an option to adapt tax values, and therefore the value of product prices in the data feed, according to the target country. To find out more, click here.

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