Do I have to ask the module to include the attribute IDs into combination URLs?
In the "Feed data options" tab of the "Feed management" module section, if you choose to export each combination as a product in its own right, the module asks you if you want to include the attribute ID into the combination URLs:
To know how to configure this option, go to the page of one of your products that have combinations.
If this is not already the case, display a combination that is not the default combination, by clicking on an attribute (like a color, a size, etc...).
In the address bar, look if the attribute IDs are displayed (numbers in front of each attribute).
If its the case, then select YES for the "Include the attribute ID into the combination URL?" option:
If the attribute IDs don't appear, then select NO:
This option keeps the consistency between what the module will send to the social network and your site. Indeed, especially for the first validation, "manual" checks, i.e performed by real people, are performed by the social network. If your theme (or a third-party module) rewrites product combination URLs without attribute IDs (for SEO purposes for example), and the module sends combination URLs with attribute IDs to the social network, then PrestaShop will not be able to do the correspondence and the agent will not see the correct product combination (PrestaShop, not knowing how to interpret the URL sent by the social network, will actually display the default combination, whatever the combination really requested). Your feed will therefore be rejected. You must therefore send URLs strictly identical to those interpreted by your site. If your combination URLs are written with the attribute IDs, then you have to ask the module to write them like that. If your theme, for example, deletes the attribute IDs then they must not be included in the URLs of the product combinations sent to the social network.
Other FAQs in this category
- Where to find my Business ID?
- How to create and install my Facebook Pixel?
- How to configure the module ?
- What is the Conversions API and how to enable it in the module?
- How to fill my shop's URL?
- How to automatically update my feeds (on-the-fly output or CRON task)?
- Do I have to include the LANG ID in the product ID?
- How to choose the construction mode of product IDs in the feed?
- How to create custom labels to segment my catalog?
- How to match my products with Facebook categories?
- How to create advanced exclusion rules?
- Do I need to rewrite numeric values into the combination URLs?
- My shop uses multi-currency : how to make Facebook detect the correct currency?
- How to test my Pixel code?
- Should I include anchors in my product URLs?
- What is the Facebook "Advanced Matching" feature?
- I manage several languages/countries/currencies: How to use Facebook country feeds?
- How to tag products reserved for adults?