Can I temporarily stop certain products from showing in shopping ads?

If you want to stop showing a specific product for a short period (less than 14 days), you can use the "pause" tag. You can temporarily stop your product from being displayed on all Shopping locations (i.e on ads AND free listings) or only on ads (and leave it displayed on free listings). You can then simply delete this tag to reactivate the product on all Shopping locations.




The Google Merchant Center Pro module (from the 1.9.0 version) allows you to activate this tag very simply.

Go to the "Advanced feed options" tab and scroll down to the "Stop showing products for a short time" section:



To pause one or several specific products for all Shopping locations (ads AND free listings), select the following option:



To pause one or several specific products only for ads only (they will continue to be displayed in free listings), select the following option:



Then start typing the name of the first product to pause, and select it from the list that appears:



Once the first product has been selected, it is placed in the list below:



Repeat the process to add other products to be paused, then save. In your data feeds, the paused products will have a "pause" tag, which will indicate to Google that you want to momentarily stop showing these products.

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