How to add a local inventory feed in Google Merchant Center?

Please note that the following explanations correspond to the new Google Merchant Center interface, "Google Merchant Center Next". If Google has not yet updated your account to its new platform, please follow this documentation.


To add a local inventory feed in Google Merchant Center, you must have followed all the steps in the local inventory program implementation guide and among others:


To add your product inventory feed, log into your Google Merchant Center account, click on the cogwheel icon at top right and select "Data sources":



In the "Product sources" sub-tab, select "Supplemental sources":



Click on "Add local inventory":



Check "Enter a link to your file":



Then return to the module and go to the "My feeds" -> "Local product inventory feed" tab. Copy the URL of the Country/Language/Currency feed you want to export for your local inventory ads:

Example, for a United States/English/USD inventory feed:



Return to your Google Merchant Center account and paste the link into the "Enter a link to your file" box:



Click on the little stylus to schedule how often Google will retrieve your product inventory:



Then define the frequency of data retrieval by Google, the fetch time and the time zone. This frequency should be determined according to how often you modify your product data. Generally speaking, we recommend a daily frequency. 

Attention: since the inventory feed is a complementary feed to the product feed, we recommend that you plan the schedule for retrieving data from the inventory feed after the schedule for retrieving product data to avoid any correspondence errors. We also recommend that, depending on the volume of product data to be updated, you leave enough time between the updates of the two types of feeds.

For example, every day at 6 a.m.:




Don't forget to check the time zone too.




Select the language associated with the product data:



Give your Local inventory feed a name. For example, you can indicate the city of the store concerned:



Finally, click on "Continue":



Your local inventory product feed, associated with a unique Country/Language/Currency combination, is now created. It will complement the product feed corresponding to the same Country/Language/Currency combination to provide information about the purchase in a nearby store.

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